GaAsPassivation with Trioctylphosphine Sulfide for Enhanced Solar Cell Efficiency and Durability
Matthew T Sheldon, Carissa N Eisler, Harry A Atwater
Advanced Energy Materials (2012)
- Photovoltaics
Matthew T Sheldon, Carissa N Eisler, Harry A Atwater
Advanced Energy Materials (2012)
- Photovoltaics
Jeremy N Munday, Dennis M Callahan, Harry A Atwater
Applied Physics Letters (2012)
- Photovoltaics
Jonathan Grandidier, Michael G Deceglie, Dennis M Callahan, Harry A Atwater
Journal of Photonics for Energy (2012)
- Photovoltaics
Dennis M Callahan, Jeremy N Munday, Harry A Atwater
Nano Letters (2012)
- Photovoltaics
Min Seok Jang, Harry Atwater
Physical Review Letters (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Jackson H Atwater, Paolo Spinelli, E Kosten, J Parsons, C Van Lare, J Van de Groep, J Garcia De Abajo, Albert Polman, Harry A Atwater
Applied Physics Letters (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Michael G Deceglie, Harry A Atwater
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Harry A. Atwater
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Robyn L Woo, William D Hong, Shoghig Mesropian, Marina S Leite, Harry A Atwater, Daniel C Law
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Marina S Leite, Emily C Warmann, Gregory M Kimball, Stanley P Burgos, Dennis M Callahan, Harry A Atwater
Advanced Materials (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Vivian E Ferry, Marc A Verschuuren, M Claire van Lare, Ruud EI Schropp, Harry A Atwater, Albert Polman
Nano Letters (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Sameer S Walavalkar, Andrew P Homyk, Carrie E Hofmann, M David Henry, Claudia Shin, Harry A Atwater, Axel Scherer
Applied Physics Letters (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Gregory M Kimball, Nathan S Lewis, Harry A Atwater
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Emily C Warmann, Marina S Leite, Harry A Atwater
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Marina S Leite, Robyn L Woo, William D Hong, Daniel C Law, Harry A Atwater
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Marina S Leite, Robyn L Woo, William D Hong, Daniel C Law, Harry A Atwater
Applied Physics Letters (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Jonathan Grandidier, Dennis M Callahan, Jeremy N Munday, Harry A Atwater
Advanced Materials (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Davis S Darvish, Harry A Atwater
Journal of Crystal Growth (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Marina S. Leite, Robyn L. Woo, William D. Hong, Daniel C. Law, and Harry A. Atwater
Applied Physics Letters 2011 (2011)
- Photovoltaics
Harry A. Atwater and Albert Polman
Nature Materials (2011)
- Photovoltaics Plasmonics