Dr. Robb Walters

Alumni - Industry and Private Sector

Dr. Walters received his PhD in Applied Physics in 2007. He is currently President and CEO of Integrated Plasmonics Corporation in Palo Alto, CA.

Available Publications

Light trapping in ultrathin plasmonic solar cells

Vivian E Ferry, Marc A Verschuuren, Hongbo BT Li, Ewold Verhagen, Robert J Walters, Ruud EI Schropp, Harry A Atwater, Albert Polman
Optics Express (2010) - Plasmonics

Plasmonic light trapping for thin film A-SI: H solar cells

Vivian E Ferry, Marc A Verschuuren, Hongbo BT Li, Ewold Verhagen, Robert J Walters, Ruud EI Schropp, Harry A Atwater, Albert Polman
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2010 35th IEEE (2010) - Plasmonics

Light trapping in thin film plasmonic solar cells

VE Ferry, MA Verschuuren, HBT Li, E Verhagen, RJ Walters, REI Schropp, HA Atwater, A Polman
Proc. 25th EU-PVSEC Conference, Valencia (2010) - Plasmonics

Universal optical transmission features in periodic and quasiperiodic hole arrays

Domenico Pacifici, Henri J Lezec, Luke A Sweatlock, Robert J Walters, Harry A Atwater
Optics Express (2008) - Photovoltaics