Seunghoon graduated Seoul Science High School (1996), Seoul National Univ. (2000, BS, EECS), Seoul National Univ. (2005, PhD, EE) and did a postdoctoral research at ISRC in SNU until 2006 as a Professional Research Agent for conducting his mandatory military service in Korea. Prof. Byoungho Lee advised his study at SNU. He then went on to conduct research at Prof. Xiang Zhang’s lab. at UC Berkeley as a postdoctoral scholar with a KRF fellowship. In 2009, he joined Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. His research interests are in: metamaterials, nanophotonics and innovation.
Available Publications
Gate-Tuneable Conducting Oxide Metasurfaces
Yao-Wei Huang, Ho Wai Howard Lee, Ruzan Sokhoyan, Ragip A. Pala, Krishnan Thyagarajan, Seunghoon Han, Din Ping Tsai, and Harry A. Atwater
Nano Letters (2016)
- Metamaterials Plasmonics