Professor Vivian Ferry

Alumni - Academic Faculty


Prof. Ferry received her PhD in Chemistry in 2011. She is an Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota.


Available Publications

Accounting for Localized Defects in the Optoelectronic Design of Thin-Film Solar Cells

Michael G. Deceglie, Vivian E. Ferry, A. Paul Alivisatos, and Harry A. Atwater
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2013) - Photovoltaics

Design of Nanostructured Solar Cells Using Coupled Optical and Electrical Modeling

Michael G Deceglie, Vivian E Ferry, A Paul Alivisatos, Harry A Atwater
Nano Letters (2012) - Photovoltaics

Plasmonic Light Trapping in Thin-Film Si Solar Cells

P Spinelli, VE Ferry, J Van de Groep, M Van Lare, MA Verschuuren, REI Schropp, HA Atwater, A Polman
Journal of Optics (2012) - Plasmonics

Modeling Light Trapping in Nanostructured Solar Cells

Vivian E Ferry, Albert Polman, Harry A Atwater
ACS Nano (2011) - Plasmonics

Photovoltaic Performance of Ultrasmall PbSe Quantum Dots

Wanli Ma, Sarah L Swisher, Trevor Ewers, Jesse Engel, Vivian E Ferry, Harry A Atwater, A Paul Alivisatos
ACS Nano (2011) - Plasmonics